Hyip Rio v2.4 - 高级Hyip投资计划,带排名系统和自动提款插件

Hyip Rio v2.4 - 高级Hyip投资计划,带排名系统和自动提款插件-尚睿切图网
Hyip Rio v2.4 - 高级Hyip投资计划,带排名系统和自动提款插件
Hyip Rio v2.4 - Advanced Hyip Investment Scheme With Ranking System and Automatic Withdraw

Hyip Rio – is an Advanced Investment System that is mainly used for the Hyip Investment Website. It is a highly secure and fast dynamic Hyip Investment Script. In the system user can register to the application and can deposit to the account and can Invest in any of the Investment Plans which is called Schema in the system. Users can get the Signup Bonus for registering to the website and they also can earn to referral. It has various referral levels to get the referral bonus. There is an integrated automatic payment gateway like Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Coinbase, Paystack, VogurePay, Coingate, and Flutterwave. Also, it has an automatic withdrawal method to withdraw the money to the user account directly. It has a manual deposit method available. There is a Ranking system on the website, users can achieve any of the rankings to earn from investment and can unlock ranking badges. One user can transfer the fund to other users. There is an investment and deposit bounty available. All the systems and features are managed by the admin.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/hyiprio-advanced-hyip-investment-scheme-with-ranking-system/41665623

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