WASender v2.3 - Whatsapp 服务器和批量发送器(SAAS)插件

WASender v2.3 - Whatsapp 服务器和批量发送器(SAAS)插件-尚睿切图网
WASender v2.3 - Whatsapp 服务器和批量发送器(SAAS)插件
WASender v2.3 - Whatsapp server and bulk sender (SAAS)

WASender is a whatsapp marketing platform its build with Laravel and Node Js. WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion active users. This makes it an attractive platform for businesses to reach out to potential customers and engage with their existing customer base. The WASender customers can create multiple device for sending message to his target audience. useing WASender user can create chatbot for automatic reply. with WASender lots of features available for engage with directly to the target audiences. WASender script has 10+ automatic payment gateways and unlimited offline payment gateways. It has included web installer to install the script from GUI mode.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/wasender-whatsapp-server-and-bulk-sender-saas/44936224

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