云转录 v1.0.1 – 将语音转为文本的 SaaS 插件

云转录 v1.0.1 - 将语音转为文本的 SaaS 插件-尚睿切图网
云转录 v1.0.1 – 将语音转为文本的 SaaS 插件
Cloud Transcribe v1.0.1 - Speech to Text as SaaS

Cloud Transcribe allows you to transcribe audio into text in various formats, allowing you to create transcripts of audio books, podcasts, voice contents, recordings, customer service calls etc in a simple and efficient way. Cloud Transcribe’s Speech-to-Text (STT) service uses a deep learning process called automatic speech recognition (ASR), provided by Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform. With over +170 languages & dialects, you can convert speech to text quickly and accurately. In addition you can leverage Speaker Identification feature of AWS & GCP that allows you to identify up to 5 speakers in the audio. AWS also allows you to use Live Transcribe feature in 12 different languages.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/cloud-transcribe-speech-to-text-as-saas/34606384]https://codecanyon.net/item/cloud-transcribe-speech-to-text-as-saas/34606384

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