Web Slide v5.5 – Bootstrap 3+ 插件的响应式巨型菜单

Web Slide v5.5 - Bootstrap 3+ 插件的响应式巨型菜单-尚睿切图网
Web Slide v5.5 – Bootstrap 3+ 插件的响应式巨型菜单
Web Slide v5.5 - Responsive Mega Menu for Bootstrap 3+

This item is the best-selling mega menu in this market. It sales 1820+ times in the last 4 years. It has 20+ ready to use mega menu template with bootstrap framework. This item is a custom-coded mega menu and Easy to integrate on a website. It comes with one code for desktop and mobile. The code is light-weight without any image, and easy to customize with CSS, HTML, and JS code. Bootstrap gives us more flexibility to update HTML content on the mega menu, and we can use read to use bootstrap functionality. We made lots of mega menu types for corporate website and e-commerce website needs.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/web-slide-responsive-mega-menu-for-bootstrap-3/11068006

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