WP OS Desktop Backend v1.160 – More than a Wordpress Admin Theme Plugins

WP OS Desktop Backend v1.160 - More than a Wordpress Admin Theme  Plugins-尚睿切图网
WP OS Desktop Backend v1.160 – More than a Wordpress Admin Theme Plugins
WP OS Desktop Backend v1.160 - More than a Wordpress Admin Theme

Tired of having to open tons of tabs in your browser when you manage your WP site ? You use a lot of plugins, and your customers are lost in the admin interface of their website ? They don’t know what menu link they must click to make simple operations ? This unique Wordpress plugin gives your Wordpress backend an awesome O/S Desktop style, allowing you to manage the different admin pages in windows and create shortcuts on the desktop in one click.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/wp-os-desktop-backend/15804874

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